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Artist Statement Gives Chance to Describe More

In the act of submitting art to a local juried show, I once again face the task of writing an artist's statement. It feels like I am doing this more often these days and in the process, I give thanks for it helps me track my self and how I am coming across to others. Over the years, I find I am striving for greater clarity so that I can reach more people. Often what I call "Art Speak" can obscure the core message.  Here is my 300 word latest version.

I have been committed to honoring myself and my ancestors through the theme of Spirit Boats for 11 years, exploring ways the boat can be used and seen as a practical and energetically vibrant way to navigate this life and beyond.  A Spirit Boat invites one to embark upon an intimate journey into their inner psyche, to find intuitive guidance and to transverse the unknown in safety. The joy of working with a powerful archetype is that it continues to unfold, revealing deeper meanings that spark new investigations in my sculptures, paintings, prints, drawings and installations.
The Spirit Boat, a universal symbol for passage, is directly connected to diverse cultures in dreams, legends and images. I am influenced by the aspect of time, whether it generated by images by ancients portraying their boat symbolically, or in my own life span. The decades of my life show up as segments on the ladders. Lately, my boats are intertwined with a kind of ladder that offers a way to ascend or descend to other realms. Through my on going studies with a curendera, a healer in the Mexican tradition, I become more socially aware of other’s needs, especially the plight of many people in our city who need a Spirit Boat as shelter.
In my workshops people build their own boats to find new meaning from a process that asks, where do you want to go? The sculptural process begins with a recycled plastic bottle that is cut into pieces and reconnected and covered with paper, making this a trans-formational experience on a physical, emotional and spiritual level.  Making boats brings up many questions and offers some answers. It is a time of travel and the prize is increased confidence.


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