Consulting with Color in Mind

colleague, Lynne Rutter, the fabulous Ornamentalist.
I have now added a new service to my offerings.
COLOR CONSULTING is a natural outcome of many years of painting murals and working with clients to help them project the best image and create an environment that feels harmonious. Choosing color is tricky and can be stressful. I know from lots of stalled decision making at paint store counters and freak-outs that can be costly and messy.
I love paint. I love walls. I adore the way color works across the expanse of a wall and over time. It is like working with magic that is put to work for my clients.
Just ordered my first set of business cards that have this as the image I created from pure pigment that is rubbed into paper.
Following blog posts will be all about color. There is so much to explore.
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