On February 14th,  I am looking forward to welcoming those who want to explore the territory of the heart with me. In this workshop, hearts are made with the same plastic bottles as my boats but are cut differently. We use two bottles with their central parts joined together as the base for other materials to play their part in the story How symbolic is that?  Bottles can also be personified for they have necks, shoulders and torsos.
Heart Medicine is good any time of year but in this season, love is in the air. The energy of all those hearts sold in stores or displayed in windows creates a certain potential. They can also be annoying and over done but the truth at the core calls for us to pause and pay attention to what has heart and meaning. By doing this, we strengthen our heart muscles so they can serve us better.

I was curious as to how the current heart shape came into popularity and found ten sexy background stories here


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