Networking Brings up Great Questions

 Spiritboatist touring her own work @ the China Brotsky Gallery
Tonight I attended my third "Art of Active Networking" meeting with Mark Sackett- and came away with new energy and an important question. Mark asked us, the 50 people who filled the room, to use three words to describe ourselves. Going around the room and each person spoke those three words out loud.  I listened carefully to not only the words but also to the tone of voice that accompanied those descriptors giving even more information about how that person really felt about them-self.
As a bit of homework, Mark asked us to extend this inquiry and ask three other people to use only three words to describe us -  one person who knows us very well, another who knows us moderately well and a third who has not known us very long. Then see if there are any match ups. After giving this the attention necessary to produce the words I felt were most fitting, when it came to my turn I said- Motivated- Visionary- Spiritboatist. Mark tilted his head and said- "I think I heard a made up a word in there".
It felt good to use my new title within this group even if others did not know what that meant. It is a word that I grew into about two years ago and now it is time to further investigate, contemplate and consider how others would see me as not only Jennifer but also as a Spiritboatist. Now I need three more words for myself in this new role.


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