"Geology" Mixed Media Painting 48 x 60" 2014 |
An invitation from Aperto Restaurant to hang paintings was an offer I felt too good to refuse. I really like the long time neighborhood eatery that has been a favorite place for my family over time. It also sits on a very scenically strategic site on Potrero Hill and is fun to go there to catch the city view.
Getting 6 pieces selected to form a group to hang took a bit of time. It ended up that I had older work next to the latest that I can now date 2014. There were 3 of those that I could call this year's work.
"Geology" next to "Life Print" @ Aperto Restaurant |
That means that these were started earlier and their "bone structure" was good so I could work on top and get the muscles and skin to fit the mood of the painting.
A perk is that they will host a reception for me in 2 weeks so we will have some fun there.
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