My Confirmation

My confirmation that I say out loud daily is "I am a Spirit Boatist on a journey to honor my ancestors in my work and in my life to help people find their purpose" Back in 2013, I was floundering around trying to arrive at one sentence that would tell my story in a nutshell. As I was preparing for my solo exhibition at the Living Shaman Museum,
the director, Connie Grads,  helped me define myself.  It was one of the best gifts I have received for it empowers and guides me. Having this confirmation, as a kind of measuring stick, keeps me in relationship to myself and all I do. If I go off base, then I ask myself, am I working in alignment with my intention?
For years, I have been focusing on purpose and all that means.  Here are three variations of the definition.
the reason for which something exists or is done,made, used, etc.
an intended or desired result; end; aim; goal.
determination; resoluteness.
Once we have our purpose figured out, we can fly. We are set free of the baggage that is not part of our desire and we can rise up to new levels of perception and intuition - the territory of the spirit. I say fly because that word has great resonance and is something we are all thinking about at some time. Who would not want to fly higher? 
There is also a fascination with how flying can be interpreted within our dreams  My paintings and prints are created when I am in a kind of dream state.


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